Directory of New Zealand Folk and Acoustic Clubs
If any information here needs to be updated please let me know.
(A map of New Zealand is available here.)
NZ Uilleann Pipers Association
President: Greg Waite, 38 Calder Ave., Northeast Valley, Dunedin
Phone: 03 473 6967
Email: greg.waite@stonebow.otago.ac.nz
Alternative contact: Sean Connolly, 11 Duke Street, Riverhead, Auckland 1250
Phone: (09) 412 2104
Updated: 13/3/2007
See also:
Guitar Association of New Zealand
NZ Morris
North Island
Kerikeri Folk Music Club
Contacts: Richard and Denise Nawisielski
Phone: (09)407 8839
Email: Nawisielski@xtra.co.nz
When: Not currently operating
Where: due to venue closure.
Updated: 1/7/2019
Whangarei Folk Music Club
Currently in recess. May consider ad hoc events.
Contact: Maggie Cocco
Phone: 021 237 8347
Email: coccomusic@gmail.com
Updated: 29/05/2023
Whangarei Acoustic Music Club - WHAM
Deleted: 29/05/2023
Kaipara LIVE
What: Folk, bluegrass, poetry, anything that can be performed.
When. 2nd Saturday night on odd months. 7pm
Where: The Makarau hall. Makarau
Contact: Andy Hamilton
Phone: 09 420 4406
Email: andyhamilton@xtra.co.nz
Harbour Lights Accoustic Music Club
When. First Thursday of the month 7.30pm
Where: Heritage Village Theatre, Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai
Contact: Brent Morrissey
Email: brent.morrissey@gmail.com
Added: 04/07/2023
Whangateau Hall Folk Music and Social Club
What: "Because I'm a bluegrass musician, our club nights lean pretty heavily in that direction, but we are certainly open to all music that follows under the folk umbrella."
When: Once a month. See website for details
Where: Whangateau Hall,531 Leigh Road, Whangateau.
Contact: Jenine Abarbanel
Email: jenine@torkington.com
Phone: (09) 422 6715
Mobile: 021 428 568
Website: http://www.whangateau.co.nz
Added: 7/7/15
Hibiscus Coast Folk Music Club
Currently in abeyance: "
The club is currently taking a break, and members are currently supporting all the other folk and acoustic music clubs within the Auckland region." When active:
When: Third Tuesday, each month from 7:30 pm.
Where: Orewa Tennis Club building in Victor Eves Park at the north end of Orewa; entrance to the park is near 87 Florence Avenue, Orewa.
Who: Paul Jonson
Phone: 027 561 9876
Email: singnuke@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.hcfc.co.nz
Added: 04/11/2024
The Auckland Bluegrass Club
What: Bluegrass, Old time country, Americana, Western Swing
Contact: President: Al Young
Email: info@aucklandbluegrass.co.nz
When: 2nd Wednesday, monthly 8pm (except January)
Where: The Bunker, Mount Victoria, Devonport
Webpage: www.aucklandbluegrass.co.nz
Updated: 18/04/2018
Barebones Acoustic Folk Club
Contact: "Bones" - Graham Hurlock 021 132 4217
Where: 1855 Great North Rd, Avondale, Western Springs, Auckland
When: First and third Sundays of the month 3 - 6pm. Put your name down to perform a floor spot (2 songs). Booked guest act in the 2nd half. No bar, BYO allowed. Tea/coffee cake available at ½ time for gold coin donation.
Updated: 6/09/2024
City of Auckland Morris Dancers
Contact: Bob Lawton
Phone: 022-0178213
Email: sirbobl@xtra.co.nz
Meets Thursdays 7:30pm
Where: Mt Albert Presbyterian church hall, 14 Mt Albert Rd.
Web page: http://www.geocities.com/aucklandmorris
Updated: 20/03/2024
Devonport Folk Music Club
Contact: Trude Mattingly
Phone: 021-2131518
Email: devonportfolkmusic@gmail.com
When: Monday nights weekly, and some Sundays
Where: the Bunker, Mt Victoria, Devonport
Website: www.devonportfolkmusic.co.nz
Updated 04/11/2024
Titirangi Folk Music Club
Who: Noel Armstrong
Phone: (09) 636 7557
Address: P O Box 20176, Glen Eden, Waitakere 0641.
Email: secretary@titirangilivemusic.co.nz
Web Page: http://www.titirangilivemusic.co.nz
Where: Titirangi Beach Hall, Titirangi Beach Rd.
When: Usually second Saturday and 4th Friday of the month
Updated: 06/11/2019
East Coast Folk Club
Where: Torbay Senior Citizens Social Centre, behind main Torbay shops at 37 Watea Road
When: 8:00 pm, first Friday of each month - except January
Admission: $10.00
Format: Casual performers during first halt with featured guest in the second half
Web page: https://sites.google.com/site/eastcoastfolkclub/home
Contact: Bob Uhe
Phone: (09) 426 3588
Email: r.uhe@xtra.co.nz
Added: 04/11/2024
Athena Group (Greek Dancing)
Who: Ann Dugmore 07 5781919 or Gabrielle 07 5433229
Phone: (07) 579 9903
Where: Gate Pa School, 900 Cameron Road, Tauranga
When: Mondays 7 - 9 9m
Added: 9/2/2018
Tauranga International Dance Group
Now defunct.
Added: 9/2/2018
Tauranga Acoustic Music Club (formerly Tauranga Folk Club)
Contact: Brian Dellow
Phone: 027 4858267
Email: tamusicclub@gmail.com
When: Every Tuesday at 7pm. Every 2nd & 4th Tues of the month is a blackboard concert, the other nights an informal jam.
Where: Tauranga RSA, Greerton
Web page: http://www.tamc.org.nz
Updated: 1/11/2022
Dance Folkus International Folkdancing
Contact: Fiona Murdoch
Phone: 07 843 7127
Email: fionamurdoch@paradise.net.nz
Address: PO Box 528, Hamilton.
When: Thursdays 7:30 - 9:30 pm.
Where: St. Stephen's Hall, 2 Mahoe Street, Melville, Hamilton
Updated: 14/3/2007
Hamilton Acoustic Music Club
Contact: Chris Penman
Phone: 027 5990753
Email: chrissypenman@gmail.com
When: Second Tuesday of the Month, 7:30pm - Clubnight,
When: 4th Tuesday of each month, 7:30pm - Concert
Where: Hamilton Motorcycle Club, 149 Seddon Road, Hamilton
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/hamiltonacousticmusicclub
Updated: 02/08/2024
"Celtica" Dance Club (Ceilidh Dancers)
What: Social evenings with a celtic flavour
Where: St Stephen's Hall, 2 Mahoe Street Melville, Hamilton
When: 3rd Thursday of the month, 7:30 pm
Contact: Fiona Murdoch
Phone: (07) 843 7127
Address: PO Box 528, Hamilton.
Email: fionamurdoch@paradise.net.nz
Updated: 14/3/2007
Te Aroha Folk & Acoustic Music Club
Where: The Future Te Aroha Centre, 13 Boundary Road, Te Aroha 3320
When: Third Tuesday of the month.
What: "All forms of folk and folk inspired music, song, poetry, story telling, singer/songwriter, contemporary and traditional. Performing encouraged and nurtured and audience participation is a real feature of this friendly club started by NZ folk legend, the late Phil Garland, whose legacy continues here in Te Aroha." $5 - includes a light supper.
Contact: Mary Barr
Email: marybarrfolk@hotmail.com
Updated: 29/10/2018
Katikati Folk Club
Where: The Arts Junction 36 Main Road Katikati
When: A Friday each month (a moveable feast - so check first)
Contact: Paul Hoggard
Phone: 027 445 4512
Email: bookings@katikatifolkclub.co.nz
Webpage: http://katikatifolkclub.co.nz
Updated: 13/10/2022
Acousticity Rotorua
Murray Clark
Phone: 07 347 1872
Mobile: 0210 274 1639
Where: Pheasant Plucker Pub, 1153 Arawa St., Rotorua.
When: Every Tuesday evening 08:30 pm
What: "Open mic". Name on the whiteboard to have a go.
Updated 2/9/2008
TRAAMPS (Three Rivers [Almost] Acoustic Music, Poems Society)
Where: The Band Room, Childers Rd (next to Tyre General)
When: Every second Saturday, 2:00 pm.
Who: John Newsham
Phone: (06) 868 9658
Email: mailto:newshamj@xtra.co.nz
What: Acoustic music, and occasional poems.
Updated: 21/4/2013
Heart of the Sun Morris
Contact: Ann Williams
Phone: (06) 876 7110 or 021 0606199
Address: 2526 State Highway 2, RD 4, Hastings 4174
Email: annhwilliams702@hotmail.com
When: Thursdays 7 pm.
Where: The homestead at Keirunga Gardens, Pufflett Road, Havelock North.
Updated: 10/12/2019
The Paper Mulberry Café and Art Gallery
Phone: (06) 856 8688
Email: GLAD@xtra.co.nz
When: Occasional concerts
Added: 14/3/2007
Phoenix Morris
Contact: Janet Fleury
Phone: (06) 758 4709
Address: 15 French Street, New Plymouth 4310
When: Second Sunday of each month, 5 pm. (Phone first.)
Where: West End Scout Hall, Bonithon Street
Updated 14/3/2007
Palmerston North Folk Music Club
Contact: Maureen Jensen
Email: palmyfolkclub@gmail.com
Where: Theosophical Hall, 304 Church Street
When: Every Friday 8pm.
Web page: http://pnfolkclub.weebly.com/
Updated: 27/4/2021
The Bent Horseshoe Cafe Sunday sessions
Contact: Steve Tolley
Phone: (06) 329 8808
Email: rob_steve@xtra.co.nz
Where: The Bent Horseshoe Cafe, Horseshoe Bend, Tokomaru,10 minutes from Palmerston North.
When: Sundays, 4:00 pm.
What: "At about 4pm a few musicians turn up and have a bit of a play and a sing. Anyone is welcome to come along either to just listen or to participate.Any style of music is ok but it does seem to be mostly Folk at the moment."
Added: 2/9/2008
Rosewood Morris Dancers
Contact: Rob Freeman
Email: Rob.Freeman@fire.org.nz
Phone: (06) 353 6697
Mobile: 021 101 9315
When: Thursdays, 8:00 pm.
Where: Cook Street Firestation.
Notes: We welcome musicians interested in playing for live performances.
Updated: 14/3/2007
Levin Folk Music Club
When: 2nd Friday of each month, 7:30 pm (except January)
Notes: Acoustic Circle 4th Friday each month (Scottish Hall)
Where: Horowhenua Scottish Society Hall, Cnr Bartholomew Road and Middlesex Street
Contact: Carrie Reed
Phone: 021 02367955
Email: crdacar@yahoo.co.nzm
Web Site:
Updated: 13/12/2024
Dale's Acoustic Live Events (D.A.L.E.)
When: ad hoc
Where: Muhunoa West Rd, Ohau (near Levin)
Contact: Dale Webb, 027-2079695 ohaufolk@gmail.com
Added: 03/12/2024
Wairarapa Folk Club
Contact: Jenny Freemantle or Remco de Ket
Phone: 06 370 1021
Email: wairarapafolkclub@paradise.net.nz
What: Informal Singaround Session
Where: 251 Falloon Settlement Road, RD8, Masterton 5888 (Second Friday of each month)
And: The Lounge Wine and Tapa Bar, 83 High Street North, Carterton (Fourth Wednesday of each month)
Updated: 10/3/2009
Acoustic Routes (Wellington Folk Centre Inc.)
Contact: Ruth Birnie
Phone: 0274515486
Email: president@acousticroutes.org.nz
Where: Roseneath School, Maida Vale Road, Roseneath
When: 4th Thursday of the month. Gigs start at 7.30 pm and entry charges vary.
Web page: http://www.acousticroutes.org.nz/
Updated: 23/6/2021
Britannic Bedlam Morris Gentlemen
Contact: Keith Riach
Phone: (04) 298 3821
Mobile: 022 383 4123
email: squireofbedlam@gmail.com
When: Wednesday 8pm (Meal on 1st Wednesday of month)
Where: Tawa Pipe Band Hall, Redwood Station, Tawa
Web page: https://sites.google.com/site/nzmorrisdancing/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Britannic-Bedlam-Morris-Gentlemen/170407959663743
Updated: 19/03/2015
Tawa Folk Club
Contact: Peter Appleton
Address: 77 Campbell Street, Karori, Wellington 6012
When: Wednesday 8pm (Meal on 1st Wednesday of month)
Where: Tawa Pipe Band Hall, Redwood Station, Tawa
Updated: 14/7/2015
Ceol Alba (Scottish Music Group)
Contact: Lynne Scott
Phone: (04) 565 0164 or 021 846596
Email: lynne@scott.gen.nz
When: 4th Friday of each month, 7:30 pm
Where: 11 Edwin Street, Belmont Domain, Lower Hutt
Updated: 02/05/2023
Kapiti Live Music Club
When: 1st Wednesday of the month (except December and January) 7:30 pm
Where: 13 Ihakara St Paraparaumu
Who: Gary Allen
Address: KLMC Inc., c/o Dean Murray P.D.C, Manakau, Horowhenua 5573
Email: enquiry@klmc.org.nz
Web page: http://www.klmc.org.nz
Updated: 15/9/2013
Upper Hutt Mainly Acoustic Music Club
Contact: Mary Khalil
Phone: (04) 5264381 or 021-02314506
Email: mary.khalil@xtra.co.n
Where: Mayfair Cafe, 116 Main Street, Upper Hutt
When: 2nd Tuesday of each month, 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Website: www.mainlyacoustic.co.nz
Facebook: facebook.com/MainlyAcoustic
Updated: 8/6/2018
NZ Morris Dancing Web Sites and Email Directory
Who: David Barnes
Email: david.barnes@xtra.co.nz
Address: PO Box 56 086, Tawa, Wellington 5249
Website: http://www.morrisdancing.org.nz
Updated: 8/6/2018
Pukerua Bay Folk Club
Contact: Murray and Julie Kilpatrick
Phone: (04) 239 9951
Email: julmur@paradise.net.nz
When: 1st Thursday of month, 8 pm. (not January)
Where: 9 Donlin Rd., Pukerua
What: A sing around, often with a guest performer during the second half. Very informal and low key.
Updated: 14/3/2007
Capital Blues Inc. - A Roomfulla Blues
Where: Hotel Bristol, 131-133 Cuba Mall, Wellington
When: Every Thursday night
Gig guides: http://captitalblues.co.nz
Club contacts: http://capitalblues.co.nz/contact-us/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Capital.Blues.Inc.Roomfulla.Blues
Notes: No cover charge for your weekly dose of blues and roots music.
Updated: 12/10/2015
Wellington Bluegrass Society
Contact: Andrew Bicknell
Phone: (04) 477 0069
Address: 36 Beazley Avenue, Paparangi, Wellington 6037
Email: bluegrass@paradise.net.nz
When: 3rd Friday of the month, at 8.30pm
Where: 54 Richmond St, Petone
Website: http://www.wellingtonbluegrass.net.nz
Updated: 31/5/2012
White Rose of Wellington (Women's Morris)
Who: Amanda Longworth
Phone: 021 2422990
Email: whiterosemorris@gmail.com
When: Wednesday 7:30pm
Where: Redwood Hall, Redwood Ave, Tawa
Web page: http://whiterosemorris.wix.com/wr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/White-Rose-of-Wellington/129620670445896
Updated: 19/03/2015
South Island
Acoustic Routes
When: Concert, Second Sunday of the month (except January)
Where: Yaza's Cafe, Montgomery Sq, Nelson.
Format: Most concert nights involve an open mic section at the start and a guest spot in the second half. Guests range from locals to overseas acts and are booked quite well in advance.
Who: Anna Heinz
Phone: (03) 546 7262
Email: anna.heinz@ncg.school.nz
Cost: Standard cost is $10 or $7 for club members - sometimes cost rises to pay a particular act.
Updated: 15/9/2013
Ragged Crow Morris Dancers
When: Every Thursday at 7.15 pm
Where: Trafalgar Street Hall, Trafalgar Street, Nelson
Who: Pete Hall
Phone: (03) 546 9842
Email: pete@raggedcrow.org
Website: www.raggedcrow.org
Updated: 1/08/2017
Vintage Morris
Contact: Anne or Steve Vallance
Address: 82 Colemans Road, Blenheim 7201
Email: Vall.s@xtra.co.nz
When: Tuesdays, 7:45pm
Where: St. Andrews Hall, Henry Street.
Updated 14/3/2007
Canterbury Shetland Fiddlers
Contact: Chris Hoseason, Phone: 03 358-3100
46 Guilford St., Burnside, Christchurch 8002.
Meets by arrangement
Updated: 14/3/2007
Christchurch Contradance
Contact: Bill Baritompa
Phone: 03 328 8985
Email: staf186@ext.canterbury.ac.nz
When: First Saturday of each month, 7:30pm
Where: Addington School Hall
Cost: $5
Web: http://contra.baritompa.com
Comments: All welcome. No previous knowledge required.
Added 3/3/2012
Christchurch Country Dance Club
Who: Trevor Robertson
Phone: (03) 372 9400
Address: 6/39 Bolton Avenue, Spreydon, Christchurch 8024
When: Saturdays, 2 - 4:30pm, (March - October)
Where: St. Francis Hall, Holy Trinity Church, Stanmore Road
Updated: 14/3/2007
Christchurch Folk Music Club
Who: Steve Stern
Phone: 027 758 2378
Email: president@folkmusic.org.nz
Address: PO Box 964, Christchurch 8140
Where: Irish Society Hall, 29 Domain Terrace, Spreydon, Christchurch
When: Sundays 7.30-9.30 pm.
Web page: http://www.folkmusic.org.nz
Updated: 15/08/2019
Nor'west Arch Morris Dancers
Who: Graham Rippon or Eileen Kerr
Email: norwest.arch@gmail.com
When: Thursdays, 7:45 pm.
Where: Waimairi Road Community Hall, Ilam
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NWAmorris/
Updated: 13/9/2022
Tussock Jumpers Morris Dancers
Who: Janine Hobby
Phone: (03) 313 4932
Address: 7 Auckland Street, Ashley, RD2 Rangiora 7472
When: Tuesdays, 7:30 pm. (but not 2nd Tuesday, each month)
Where: Summerfield Hall, 47 Studholme Street
Updated: 14/3/2007
Fiery Peak Morris
Who: Anne Griffiths
Phone: 03 693 8726
Email: annegriffiths@farmside.co.nz
When: Tuesdays evenings
Where: Geraldine
Updated: 13/09/2022
Pembroke Folk Club
Who: Martin Curtis
Phone: (03) 443 8152
Email: curtismr@xtra.co.nz
Address: Cardrona, RD1 Wanaka 9831, Central Otago
When: Occasional concerts for visiting artists
Updated: 14/3/2007
The Dunedin Folk Club
(Formerly the New Edinburgh Folk Club)
Email: info@nefc.org.nz
PO Box 6093, Dunedin 9013
Where: Opoho Bowling Club, 80 Lovelock Ave.
When: 7:30pm every Sunday (clubnight)see website)
When: also every Thursday from 7:30pm Open Mic, all welcome.
Web page: www.dunedinfolkclub.co.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dunedinfolkclub/
Updated: 13/09/2022
Dunedin Contradance Group
Contact: Bernadette Moroney
Phone: 021 1398229
Email: bernadette.berry@gmail.com
When: Monday, 7:30pm
Where:50 Dundas St. Dunedin North
Cost: $3.00 per night or $20.00 for 10 weeks
Comments: All welcome. No previous knowledge required.
Updated: 10/10/2018
Dunedin Scottish Fiddle Orchestra
Contact: Anna Bowen
Phone: 021 482217
Email: anna.bowen1@gmail.com
When: Wednesday, 7:30pm
Where: North East Valley Community Rooms, North Rd.
Cost: Gold coin
Web page: http://kiwifolk.com/dfc/
Updated: 10/10/2018