InstrumentsI offer this list as a resource for beginners who are looking for practical information about these instruments, and how to play them. Perhaps, by browsing the list, you'll take the first steps to learning a new instrument. INDEX: ACCORDION: BAGLAMA: BAGLAMA SAZ: BALALAIKA: BANDURRIA: BANJO (5 STRING): BANJO (TENOR): BODHRAN: BOUZOUKI: BOWED PSALTERY: CASTANETS: CHARANGO: CONCERTINA: CUATRO (VENEZUELAN): DIDJERIDU: DULCIMER: DUMBEK: ERHU: FIDDLE: FLUTE (WOODEN): GUITAR: KANJIRA: MANDOLIN: OUD: PIPA: QUENA: ROORIA: RUAN: SHAMISEN: SITAR: TABOR PIPE: UKULELE: WHISTLE |
AccordionAccordion FAQA variety of information about accordions, including how they're built and how to repair them.
Learning to Play Accordion
Baglama SazBaglamaAlthough this site is in Turkish, you'll find tuning diagrams and music here for playing the baglama saz. (This link points to a page in the Internet Archive.) This is not the same instrument as the Greek baglama. BalalaikaComposition of the Russian folkorchestraInformation about the balalaika and its close older relative, the domra. I was most impressed with the picture of the subcontrabass balalaika, and with the fact that the balalaika is a much younger instrument than I had realised.
The Song of the Balalaika
BandurriaLa BandurriaA brief introduction to the history and construction of this Spanish instrument. (This link points to a page in the Internet Archive. The page can be translated from Spanish using the AltaVista Babelfish.) Banjo (5 string)Easy Five-String Banjo for BeginnersA great place to begin your exploration of the 5 string banjo. The emphasis is on bluegrass music.
Ben's Homepage
Bluegrass Banjo
Clawhammer Banjo
Banjo (Tenor)The Banjo: a short history by Mick MoloneyI like to use a tenor banjo primarily for playing Celtic music. This page explains something of the history of the instrument, and how it came to be used in Irish traditional music.
Celtic Banjo Site
Irish Banjo
BodhranThe BodhranThis much maligned instrument can be an integral and exciting component of Celtic music. This page contains links to information on playing, buying, recording and constructing the bodhran, among many other topics. BouzoukiSam's Bouzouki WebsiteThis site is dedicated to the Greek bouzouki. Here you can find tabs for tunes, articles on some of the great players, MIDI files and links to makers of Greek bouzoukis. (This link points to a page in the Internet Archive.)
Bouzouki Resource Portal
Chord Chart
Baglama A page of information on the bouzouki's little cousin. This is not the same instrument as the Turkish baglama saz.
Han's Irish Bouzouki Page
Bowed PsalteryThe Bowed PsalteryA history of this frequently misrepresented instrument. (This link points to a page in the Internet Archive.) CastanetsHow To Play CastanetsCastanets are an important part of Flamenco music, and concerti have been written for them. This page should be enough for a beginner. CharangoCharangoThis Argentine page can be translated from Spanish using the AltaVista Babelfish. It offers descriptions of the instrument and some recordings.
Charango Chords
ConcertinaConcertina FAQA starting place for information on all types of concertinas, with links to makers and repairers, history and resources for learning to play the instrument. DoN Nichols' Home page
Cuatro (Venezuelan)El CuatroOffering an introduction to the cuatro in both Spanish and English, this page provides chord charts and information on strumming techniques. Surprisingly, it's Swiss. DidjeriduiDIDJ"iDIDJ Australia seeks to offer a central point for stakeholders and interested parties in coordinating efforts aimed at preserving the cultural integrity of one of Australia's most unique offerings to the world, the didgeridoo... "
DulcimerFolk Notes Mountain Dulcimer Chord PageChords and tunings for the Appalachian or mountain dulcimer.
Folk Notes Mountain Dulcimer Tab Page
DumbekMiddle Eastern Rhythms FAQMy experience with this instrument has been in playing Eastern European music. Despite its name, this page is a really valuable introduction to almost any kind of dumbek playing. ErhuWonderful World of ErhuThis page offers diagrams showing the basic parts of an erhu, with some basic information on how to play it. Watch out for the set of ants that follow your cursor around the screen!
Bowed String Instruments
FiddleSanger's Guide to Learning Irish FiddleInformation for beginners. Flute (Wooden)Woodenflute.comA site for players of wooden flutes. The emphasis is on Celtic music. GuitarHomespun Tapes Guitar LessonsA package of free online lessons in playing acoustic guitar, from the people who make the instruction tapes.
Bluegrass Guitar
Folk Guitar
KanjiraKanjira LessonsA page of free lessons (including video) on how to play this small, Indian jingled frame drum, presented by percussionist Pete Lockett. MandolinMandolin CafeA great place to begin looking for information about mandolins and mandolin playing, though it focuses on bluegrass and jazz. Plenty of tablature and instructional material available, as well as links to many manufacturers. Check out the classified ads if you're looking to buy a mandolin, or another instrument in the "mandolin family". OudOud PageA page about the Oud including information about the instrument, as well as music and instructions on how to play.
The Oud Cafe
PipaThe Pipa: History, Description and Performance TechniqueÀn introduction to this Chinese plucked instrument. QuenaThe QuenaHow to make, play and tune one of these Andean flutes. RooriaThe RooriaHow to make, play and tune this traditional instrument from New Zealand. RuanRuanA brief description and instroduction to the plucked Chinese instrument that's sometimes called the moon guitar. ShamisenShammy's PageAn English language website about this three-stringed Japanese instrument. SitarRaganetAn online magazine that includes several sitar lessons for beginners.
Chandra and David's Sitar Site
Sitar Tuning
Tabor PipeThis looks rather like a penny whistle with only three holes, and you can play it with one hand (in order to beat a drum with the other). You can achieve a similar effect by taping over the top 3 holes of a penny whistle.
and Tabor
and Tabor Class Notes
UkuleleUkuleles by Kawika Inc.Although this is a commercial site, it contains lots of useful (if sometimes very technical) information on the construction and playing of ukuleles.
Ukulele Diner
Clawhammer Uke
WhistleChiff and FippleAn informative - if idiosynchratic - page on the tin whistle (sometimes known as the penny whistle). The focus is on Celtic music. |