The Otago video...

Southern Bred

The Pog Band Video


Southern Bred is a video made by the band in partnership with The Video Factory. Features include:







Prices (GST inclusive)


Recommended retail price: $34.00

Supplier single unit price: $22.00

Supplier unit price, 10 or more: $18.00


Since its formation in 1980, the Pog Band has become well known in New Zealand as champions of kiwi colonial and contemporary music through national radio and television, and their regular dances and live appearances. It is fitting then, in this 150th Otago celebratory year, that the Band makes this contribution of Otago songs and scenes to the people of the province and its many visitors. Please feel free to contact at any of the numbers above if you have any queries.

Yours sincerely


Mike Moroney.